World Series TV Guide: Game 4
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Last night we came very close to what us Marlins fans wanted in this World Series, a win for mother nature. But alas, the game was only delayed and not postponed. Anyway, it's game four tonight in Philadelphia and here is the suggested TV viewing.
- 8:00 PM The Amazing Race (CBS). Yes, it's a reality show, but it's won many Emmys and has a lot going for it. You get to see people in different parts of the world doing wacky tasks and you can really feel the competition between the teams. About once a year I end up watching an episode because I landed on it channel surfing and didn't turn away.
- 8:00 PM Catch Me If You Can (TNT). I haven't seen it, but it also won some awards and got good a good reception since it's 2002 release. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio is in it, which may please some female viewers
- 9:00 PM Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO). If you haven't gotten into this show, you are missing out. I understand it's not everybody's cup of tea but if you need laughs and outrageous plot lines, this is it. Bonus: the episode will also air at 10PM
- 10:00PM Mad Men (AMC). I admit, I haven't hopped aboard this fad yet, but everywhere I go, I hear about how great it is. Tonight might be a good time to check it out.
Tonight's book recommendation is The Duke of Havana: Baseball, Cuba, and the Search for the American Dream
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