@JCRMarlinsbeat's Greatest Hits

Friday, June 8, 2012

Juan C. Rodriguez is our favorite Marlins beat writer to follow on Twitter. He doesn't bore us with updates on the pressbox ice cream machine or his thoughts on SEC football. After briefly experimenting with Sulia, he seems to have ditched that service (which literally takes all the good things about twitter and dumps them through a shredder). But best of all, he frequently takes questions from his followers, and is never afraid to point out dumb questions.

I look forward to JCR's Q-and-A's with the same sense of anticipation as a @Humblebrag retweet-fest or @BuzzBissinger rant. Here are some of our favorite JCR tweets from the past few weeks: Followed up with: We know the feeling, dude. Sick burn, JCR. Maybe there's a Tweetdeck filter for that? A lesser beat writer would have replied, "I don't know."


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