Trader Jack Don't Care

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

From Businessweek:

When he told his players they couldn't hang out in the clubhouse during games, they knew he was serious; in 2003, McKeon locked the clubhouse doors and required players to hand him bathroom passes when they couldn't hold it in any longer. He may be the only 80-year-old man who is willing and able to go three hours without peeing.
"I used to be a very strong disciplinarian," says McKeon, sitting in the Oakland Coliseum one recent afternoon as his players take batting practice. "Then I decided to back off a little bit. I don't use the hearing aids because I don't want to see a lot of things, and I don't want to hear a lot of things."
We've got another month or two before the media (outside Miami) loses interest in McKeon. Until then, I will enjoy the quotes.

h/t Fish Stripes


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