State of the Diehards

Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome Marlins fans and browsers of the internets. It is about time to begin year two of this blog. Spring Training has just begun. That, coupled with the recent (more important) State of the Union address has us thinking we need to give some sort of State of the Blog address. We think we had a nice rookie season, but we would like to not only avoid the sophomore slump, but also improve a great deal. We have several things planned for this year. We've already launched a redesign of the site, which we hope you like. We will continue some of our regular features, like the Children of the Marlins Diaspora and Week in Review.

We will also have more contests, including the trade pool. Hopefully they go better than they did last year (Also, Adam Smoot, if you are reading this, you have a 12-pack of beer or 4-pack of Steel Reserve on us if you let us know where to deliver it). But most of all, we will stay true to our original mission, covering the Florida Marlins with an eye on all the oddities that accompany Marlins fandom. We hope you'll join us for another year of hand-wringing over relief pitchers, our unique historical prospective, predicting the next member of the Marlins diaspora, and attempting to put a happy face on the pratfalls that are sure to come at some point.

What To Do Now
Most of our readers and people who stumble upon the blog probably already have this figured out but in case you don't here is a list of ways to keep up with us.
  • Bookmark this page using the new URL:
  • Subscribe to posts via RSS by clicking the "Posts" link in the widget on top right of the page. You may also get an RSS feed of the comments.
  • Follow David and Ted on Twitter. We will post links to any posts immediately after publishing. You also can see our non-Marlins thoughs as well, which should be entertaining.
  • Just wait until you see a link to our page from better Marlins blogs.
We'll be back at it soon enough with a new Spring Training contest. We look forward to spending another season with you.


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